GDC has an innovative career progression system that allows multifaceted growth of technical professionals who do not wish to take on administrative roles. In the multifaceted career growth system, technical staff can grow to manager level without bearing the title “manager” but enjoy the salary and benefits accorded to managers.
The idea behind a multifaceted career growth system is to motivate staff who would otherwise stagnate in one level and thus promote the retention of critical skills within the company. Ordinarily, it takes a lot of money to train a geothermal expert and GDC therefore recognizes the need to retain such highly trained human resource within the company.
To manage career progression, GDC has developed a career progression guideline that forms a basis for staff recruitment, retention, development, and training on the basis of merit, competence and ability
There are two contracts held between an employee and employer; the “Employment Contract” and ‘Psychological Contract’. Most employees are aware of the employment contract, one signed upon employment.
The Psychological Contract, on the other hand, is defined by the relationship between an employer and an employee through unwritten mutual expectations from each side. One key expectation from an employee’s perspective is to have a clear career path. At the same time, the employer expects staff commitment, as well as effective and efficient performance.